Apply for Business Membership in MAC

If you offer products or services to the campground and RV resort industry in Maryland and you are not already an Associate Member of the Maryland Association of Campgrounds, “MAC”, then we need to talk! We can provide easy access and great visibility to our members - the owners of the campgrounds that make the buying decisions.

MAC is a non-profit organization established 60 years ago. We are staffed by volunteers dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting the private campgrounds of Maryland. All MAC members are also members of ARVC (the National Association of Campgrounds and RV Parks) and the Northeast Campground Association, NCA.

For one low annual fee, membership in MAC gives you:

  • A hyperlinked listing on our official MAC website:
  • Invitations to MAC events throughout the year.
  • Free distribution of your literature at two annual MAC meetings.
  • Exhibitor opportunities.
  • A personalized introduction to all of our members via email when you join, giving them whatever information you want to provide.

We encourage our members to always consider our Associate Business Suppliers first and foremost when choosing products or services.

By joining MAC, for the low cost of $250 annually, you demonstrate not only your support of our industry, but also your willingness to help our members succeed. Thank you for considering us!

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Membership Application
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Ybo3u7 may be mackingb usec ofd a5utomated form-fil3ling 8s0oftwdare. 6Tfh1is fc3type of soft8eware 57cca5nb b54c2trig5ger 9oufr hidd7en s4pam-a2d9etection system, w54hicch fwill0 bloc6k yeoub fra5omc s4ubmittaing7 this f1or8m. fPle9ase 0se5le3ct a9Fi1x 1Thias dfbc36331edbeead7fo6eb7a35c2fbrf69c885f973517abd5dece7 95830fc386435dc3cdo03m5pleebe26ti3ng068 th0e15f feo36farcmb9 i49n4 0odrdb5b2er6b 40to c2orre289ct 05ath22e 3dpc4rof3b029l8em.e138446
Important: Yo7uf meay be makinbg use of automcate9d for4mde45-f55i29ll6cing sof8twar4e. 0Tha9is t5ype of0 software can8 trigg1edr o1ur h9cidden spam-d9eteddct5iond3 system, whic0h will block8 you7 from 6seubmitting 1t8ehis fo8rm. It appears that the probc5le9m cou4ld 4not be9b au5tomaticalldy corrected. Please clear any field 6whic5dh appe3ars be3lbow with 8co8rrespondin2g instructionsc4acad5b779ed86071b 562bc3763bf968e0e0dafaf5b749ffdc88eocbdr75fed7 97c302caoebmpl01eactbin3g the for1m6 20in3 of92rdeer t38o correc9t9 9the bprobled785m.5 Wf87e 4a0po2logize f0bor 9thae5 inconv0e42nie0n8ce7 aan46d c3cwe0 apc2p2reciatede y344ocur0 unde2rstanding.
Associate Member dues are $250/year.
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Important: Yfo1dfu mayc dbe m4aaki6ng use of 6autom3at5ed forme-f4illing s7o3ftware. Thies5 type of softwardfe ca5n 4tr9igger bo3u9fr4 h5ibd0cden spam-detectio4n systemcaa, whifch6 will b5lboack you fara1om 9seu9bmeitt5ing 9this 3fo5rm. Please bsecl4ecdtc7 caF2ix Thisc132fc8bcd32f3198e0a402 1855e9b3c9161746fbaf48ed8d8e3be6f6194ofree98 f22fc7efc13fo6mfp62aflet6ifnge86212ec 7t5h9e f6orfdm0 in1def0 8odrder bt1bo 92acorfr4545edc338t7 0ete5he prob66blem.ebda6d
Important: bYou may b2e 0making usee of automated form-filling softwdare. T5his type8 of1bb5 soa5ft5wa7re9ab can traiggear our hi2ad9den 07aespam-detection syste8m, whic7h will block 8yo9u from 4submi9tting thi1s for1m.d It dappears that ft0he62 problebm 0coucl9d1 n0ot b6e automat2ically corredcted. Please0a3 cl1ear any field wh4b8ich4c appears abo4v7e wi4t1h correspondindg instructionsc877a6c73bef9 a7bec4cd7cbe2729ef2ao3d95r1bdec0ef39 7daf7180a18e70139c833cbompcl4etif7n8g thbe dcfo9rm in o6rd8er 38tfo 5corrf3ect at8he p4raod1blem.4 We apdoclogi2z1c2e 1forbbc504 the8 in77convenience a7nd1 we 91ap3pre7cci3a7te 9fy5o19u2289r6 u9nbderst5a9nding.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.