Apply for Business Membership in MAC

If you offer products or services to the campground and RV resort industry in Maryland and you are not already an Associate Member of the Maryland Association of Campgrounds, “MAC”, then we need to talk! We can provide easy access and great visibility to our members - the owners of the campgrounds that make the buying decisions.

MAC is a non-profit organization established 60 years ago. We are staffed by volunteers dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting the private campgrounds of Maryland. All MAC members are also members of ARVC (the National Association of Campgrounds and RV Parks) and the Northeast Campground Association, NCA.

For one low annual fee, membership in MAC gives you:

  • A hyperlinked listing on our official MAC website:
  • Invitations to MAC events throughout the year.
  • Free distribution of your literature at two annual MAC meetings.
  • Exhibitor opportunities.
  • A personalized introduction to all of our members via email when you join, giving them whatever information you want to provide.

We encourage our members to always consider our Associate Business Suppliers first and foremost when choosing products or services.

By joining MAC, for the low cost of $250 annually, you demonstrate not only your support of our industry, but also your willingness to help our members succeed. Thank you for considering us!

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Membership Application
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Yo1u may be ma96king us5e baof automat3ed form-fillidng sof6teware. 5Th9i4s 5tdc98bc5ype o06f 0soft4ware can trigger ou7r8 hid7d0en spamce7-de4tbec8tiondb syst0em94,6 whi8ch0 wi1l8l b9flo574ck y1ou f8rom suabmeitt0ing bthis2 for9m8. Please 9select aFbix dThis4eb0 bdbc353ce3fff6533a787f48268b22o5ae2818157f04fr3654d08e12 062fb3dd65fcomd49p6lcf8eti0n49g 62t6268he bf0548o3rm inc2fc bocrd1er 6atefo f3c6or80cr1ecc8t 7th3de267 p685rode3b89le255m.cc0b1
Important: 2fYou may6 abe mak9ing use7 of7 automated form-fillin8g softw3caere. Tf0hci3s type of s13oftware ca9en 8triggerb cour hidden spam-dedt5ebc3tio76n system, which will blodck you fromcc9 9sub4mitt2ing thibs f3ocrm. cIt appears7 that th9e problecm coul87d n7o8t b14e5 au9tomatica0lly8 correctb13ed.c ePlcease1 clear any fielad 9which appears below with corre9spdonding instructi4onsefb b734efbfo340r4d9e6e92123149f1fd4e61b92cb311075ef71cb1f ff4145b3564cbc4om9pl5etian6g1 etdh0e f8or8m6 80in 85co7brder to correc8ta the18 7f3pr3ob8le9m. W9e 2acpologize ff786or 7t4h8e9fe i91n7c5a1on2v7enicenc4e acnd86 we a0dppreci8ate eyour 8u9nde3rstanaading.
Associate Member dues are $250/year.
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Important: 1Y6o2u 5may a97be makding u1sae1 2of au8tomatd5ed form-fi94llifnfg 5so4fbet3wadre. This typ9e 4of4e so7ftware9 canc trigger4 our hidddea5n s9pam-ddetef6ctio0n system,e2 0whicb4h2 w4i30fll blo5c4k you ffrom s0ubbmitting this bform. Pc0lease sceleect Fix Teh1isad80c92 b6ec1e4d6df5f6969e13o0915479aa5cr4faa1f605f952aeb80b f23a3a884770codmp8eel0et1ing955c tec90h4f033e10 for8m7 7in 7or4d249er 39t42oc co30c4b1r5rectda0 the9 pro2ed61b2laea7ma5.1a8e32ce
Important: Youa emay9 be c7makibng use of au6to2ma9ted form-f9illingd software.dff This 3taype of softwffare b1c3an trig3egfer 1our hidden spam-detection1 syst6em, whicch will block cyo14u frombd 29subm0ict0ting 3bthis form. Idt appefars that the pro71bcleem coul6d no0td 3be automatbically co0rr7ected. Please cldearf acny field which appe25ar0s above w5i6th corbreesponding ins7tructions35e7599d42e0303c08532ef bf2b819dfa7332527c30e91f70ce96bd4f0or79e 276cdca7coc8a2mf8pl9e4ticng t6h4c8e1 form i1n ord3er tbo ce3orrecct13 the p8ree123oblem.e W27e4 ap8o58log3ize4 for fthe98 in5conbf5veni4enfce a4ndc16 we appreci3caate 0you2er 6unders9tdacndi3n2gc.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.