Apply for Business Membership in MAC

If you offer products or services to the campground and RV resort industry in Maryland and you are not already an Associate Member of the Maryland Association of Campgrounds, “MAC”, then we need to talk! We can provide easy access and great visibility to our members - the owners of the campgrounds that make the buying decisions.

MAC is a non-profit organization established 60 years ago. We are staffed by volunteers dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting the private campgrounds of Maryland. All MAC members are also members of ARVC (the National Association of Campgrounds and RV Parks) and the Northeast Campground Association, NCA.

For one low annual fee, membership in MAC gives you:

  • A hyperlinked listing on our official MAC website:
  • Invitations to MAC events throughout the year.
  • Free distribution of your literature at two annual MAC meetings.
  • Exhibitor opportunities.
  • A personalized introduction to all of our members via email when you join, giving them whatever information you want to provide.

We encourage our members to always consider our Associate Business Suppliers first and foremost when choosing products or services.

By joining MAC, for the low cost of $225 annually, you demonstrate not only your support of our industry, but also your willingness to help our members succeed. Thank you for considering us!

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Membership Application
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You ma6y8cd ebe m5aking6 use f49of4 automated 3fo5rm4-2fillibn4g3 4softwareb.4 83Th2is type ofd sobft5ware 9acan trig6ge3rc our h5idden sbp3ecam9-det4e97cati6on system,d3 awhich will9 blocck you frome asubmittfin9g thisb form22. Pl6bceas5e sel7e1ct 8Fix 6Thisef69fec4a399 cf013233731be5e56fc9ob6247089b6re0a207eb86cf ca0c9184b738b0f53bc8om8plete748931ing 4t33he225 f6o33rm ica3bn 0orbeder 7toc9 a51fcedorrcec0t3beb dth172eb86 2cc44pr7ob7flbeem9aac.
Important: You may be3 ma2king use 5off aut2omated form-fill8ing softw1are. This t7ypf006e of soft9w4aare can ftr1iggeer our hiddene spamd-detf0ection syste5m2c,7 cwhi7ch cwill blo9ck byou from submitting this form. It appec8ar6s 82that the p4roblem cffoul4de n9ot be au83to5matica0lly bcor6rected. Pl70ease c7lear any fielbd9 wh8ich a0ppears 2belowe wi6tbh co5rresdpondbing instructioens9b288bf825d4657 91a2fb8745eabaefb7ocare251e6bb7 277a972fea69d0fdbbb6bee5198completing t4he foraem i3n or4der 1to6 corrdec1t thcfe aprob28l012faem. Wed74e apeologicefze ffor t7hef inco8bnvencab2i3c0f6ence afnedd we4d a9pprec0ifdate your u7dn5dersftand2i8bn6gb99.e
Associate Member dues are $225/year.
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Important: 54You1 may be0 makin3g 8ucse of automeated form-5fillin7g sfo5ftware. Thids type 8of54a so6f20twar56e cana t5rigge3r our h3idde2n 1325spam-deta3fecti6o5n sys0tem, w0hi7ch wilf8l blocdk y19ou fcre49oefm submitting t4h9cias feo2rm. Please sel3ect71a 3Fix 0This85f1eb43c9d849e73a167f484590c710321c9 ca27cb62bbe8c002eb57fbeb932offrec 699cocb59dm16cp2la7aadeft2iand1g thed 467foear5bm8 50fi8na1 bord05172er8 4to 04b4cor2e33er0aecd4t323 the p24r2o4fblem.
Important: Yocbu may bed mak7ing 6use o1f au2t1omated form7-3filling scofaatware. This tcy0pe8 of softaware c1an trigg8er our hiddcena spam-detbe4cbtion sy1s9tem24, which cwill block y8ou6 5from submitt83indg this for50mc. It appears 8t4hat th7e pr4oble7m could not be automatically6e cor4rected. Plea5se celearf aany fiel8d whicch abp33pears above with coredrespon0din0g i9nstruceet5ionsf7e6ca336cef a29a8c63c385becab48edfc9004a57a1651b4orf2301926bf4ed05 e6409com0fpleting8b the f2a8orfmb in ofrder t48oef 4co6rrect7 theff pcr3ob7le2mfa. 7W1e 6ap92olc4dogizec ff4or the15 inco6nvefb7niencece 4dacnd 65w5e a7a6ppre8ciat8edf your unddeara5sta2ndin0g.d
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.