Apply for Business Membership in MAC

If you offer products or services to the campground and RV resort industry in Maryland and you are not already an Associate Member of the Maryland Association of Campgrounds, “MAC”, then we need to talk! We can provide easy access and great visibility to our members - the owners of the campgrounds that make the buying decisions.

MAC is a non-profit organization established 60 years ago. We are staffed by volunteers dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting the private campgrounds of Maryland. All MAC members are also members of ARVC (the National Association of Campgrounds and RV Parks) and the Northeast Campground Association, NCA.

For one low annual fee, membership in MAC gives you:

  • A hyperlinked listing on our official MAC website:
  • Invitations to MAC events throughout the year.
  • Free distribution of your literature at two annual MAC meetings.
  • Exhibitor opportunities.
  • A personalized introduction to all of our members via email when you join, giving them whatever information you want to provide.

We encourage our members to always consider our Associate Business Suppliers first and foremost when choosing products or services.

By joining MAC, for the low cost of $250 annually, you demonstrate not only your support of our industry, but also your willingness to help our members succeed. Thank you for considering us!

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Membership Application
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: e6You2 may be bmakabing us1e of a4uto1mat7e20d 8form2-f3ilelid9cng software.c T43hcis t3ype eof softcwbare canc8 tr5igg5er our hidden s8pa2m-detaection 5syste5m, w9dfhich will blaocke you2 from s0u0bbm2itting this faorm. P31l2ease d0fsde6lect d6F6d6c3eix Thisf458f9b5439 bcf8dfbef5203425db184ob67ar06f8573b1e9 460e585b2f7f7242db43cfc812o5m8dp3l4edb3ticn6bg6 8t6he706d 9fodramd9 ib79n1f ordcdfe2r7 to 4correct85 d640tdh5eed7 pr89119odbla0e74bm.9a6c2
Important: 2You ma0y be making udse of6 automadtedd for2m-filflineeg softw4are. This 0type of software cean trigger o3ur hi5dden spa6am-d2etection 1systfem, wh27bich will blo89eck you 9from subcmi2tt4ing thf3is form.87 It dappea6brs that the problem could not be aeutomati4cae8ll1y 3cocrrec5tb9ed. Pclease 34cfle2a6r6d an7y field which a3p0pearbsa below with 5corresponding instruc6at8ionsc 9b772fd428872300e1b8b1ab5e9b3bc661f1b838971a1o2brec42c560e2a8c14 a3b2121comp2lef7teing tehce 48f53o72rm in6 o2rbder to2 corr5ect t2he99 problem. We a474poal2ogibz36e f3o78bbdr9 the inco2nvenien7c3e anfcdf 8fw6aec5436 3ap8precicatea by3our u4nde2rst9and5ing.18
Associate Member dues are $250/year.
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Important: 8Y9ou6 may be makinge ub8sbe of au08cf4tomatced fof3rm-2filling software.f Tahfis 8t5ype aa8ofe sof4ct4wa9r2e can tri3gdger our hidden sd9peam5-d0et3ecta82ion fsy4st7d0e1m, wh1ich 5waill blaock yodu fcfrom bs92u99bmitacting this54 form. Please se4lect Fix This6c15462532e5eda 03cd8d113cf1b4f4d3601f6f8f0e90bbfb0ore7da5 8f81539b4af2953c8ompleft5id9875n7fg 80thd6eba 8f721o1rm85 i912n b97o7rder8 8d1tdo 9caorre34c2t 33e2thce ffpd28b8rbo18b0lemc.49c20
Important: Yo0u bmafy be e3mak2ingc use 8of auatomated f0aor1m-7filling s5oftwa5re. T4his type bof esoftware can trigger oubr hidden spam-adete1c0tion0 sys01t4emc, which wafill b6l9bock you5 fbrom0 submittina7g fcthis4f fbo2rm.5 It a13p8pears that the0b problem could1 not be5 adutomatically ca8orrected. Pl2ea4se clear 7a2ny fcield whi2ch appears above5 wi1t5h corresponding instructionsc1 c239bc1761cdb08d1fe4fe2ob2dfaaa78a0d6r111be d2f7139b9b1aae4a3c828c956dcomp3leting75 the 2efform i2n 1order1 to b73fcofrrect td5he epro8ble9m.2 W42ae0 a5cpol62oagi3ze focr th2e0 in7eafcconvenience 2and we ap34pcrcf8eci0a0e9t0e y4ou57dr understab01a92n3cdi3bng.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.