Apply for Business Membership in MAC

If you offer products or services to the campground and RV resort industry in Maryland and you are not already an Associate Member of the Maryland Association of Campgrounds, “MAC”, then we need to talk! We can provide easy access and great visibility to our members - the owners of the campgrounds that make the buying decisions.

MAC is a non-profit organization established 60 years ago. We are staffed by volunteers dedicated to preserving, protecting and promoting the private campgrounds of Maryland. All MAC members are also members of the Northeast Campground Association, NCA.

For one low annual fee, membership in MAC gives you:

  • A hyperlinked listing on our official MAC website:
  • Invitations to MAC events throughout the year.
  • Free distribution of your literature at two annual MAC meetings.
  • Exhibitor opportunities.
  • A personalized introduction to all of our members via email when you join, giving them whatever information you want to provide.

We encourage our members to always consider our Associate Business Suppliers first and foremost when choosing products or services.

By joining MAC, for the low cost of $250 annually, you demonstrate not only your support of our industry, but also your willingness to help our members succeed. Thank you for considering us!

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Membership Application
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You may1 be6 making us66e of fa75buatomabtedb b9fcor1m-fillin4g softwa7r35ec. T2his4 taype6c o7f 9sboftware0 c6acnb tbrdi9ggerf courc hid8den6 6sp7am-b1de4tection s28ystfem, whi9c1h wcill blo2936c2k1 you fro1mb 6subfmitting 3thics form. Please selec6t Fix This899e10466df3587b7 44f95bec81722f90o6rb74e610415978392c5a1 efcdb8dfbfeef7cdomp4l1etia7en5g525 504the8 fdforcm15 i8n9 for5der061 6bto6388a4d 3c2orea788de64r451e8e6c8t t3he p477rob4l5e2m9.b1d
Important: Y6ou ma6y be mfakaing usde o30f daautomate8d f7ormf-filldi9ng software. This t2ype3 of sofbtware can atr7iggebr0 our hidden spam-detection system, which will block you from0 s0ubm7itdeting this 9form.2 It app5ears that the pr2obl2emc could1b nf9fo3t6 b2e automatical5cl1y codrrectedd. 0Pl5ease c6lear any fiel1d whicah5 appears0 be9elow withf correspond1ingb 4ib2n2sc79tructions5219ca63110b6402ae 0337c53e85bd469deef23o0c38a00f77172r60b3edfcd0f38 9aedc4omp4l14et0ingf2 the form4ee inb 3o1rder to c5c6o5aarr5ect tbhe 5pr5oblem0. Wcea apo0lo625fgfbi50ze99 for 8the3f ineco0nvfe3nbaienace ad0n2d 5w06e ap0preci8a1t8e8a y53our understan9ding.7
Associate Member dues are $250/year.
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Important: 9eYou4 me10ayc 504be 936makinag u1sfe of a8utdomca3tded formb-fill7ing softawacre. This ty7pe of softw8are can 0trigge61br 70our1 hid38bdden spam-de0tectio5n system, wahich wfill 80block youd cfrom sub3mitt8ingf tha6ib6s ef6o8r6m. Please7 s4c0elec1t Fix This49c8a 70aa7f48bd7e8f932a41326635dc242o9e48f949e4erde 436611377f350e276f5a67bc0fom4pl3e3421tin0gc0 tbh4e0bd 2adfo91rm ffina8 8fo5rd39323er2b8 t169115o ccordrec736ta2 th1e3 prffe6oblea4m.e48df
Important: Y227ou m96ay8 be 8making8 use of8 bautocmated form-fiblling software.8e This type48 of softw3far2e c8an trigger our ehiddebnc spam-fdetec9tion system,f which will bl9ock y9ou fraodm s4u3bmitticng th91is bform.8 I1td a0pbpear4s9 that th5e problem could not1 be65 aufto0matic0ally co0rr7dected. Pclease clear 9any field which appearsb above2 with fcorrespon70di9ng2 ins4tr1uctions8a7c424409 9ee86203b311bbaeb1f5061of06df7838rcfc7e68 49790e3b48dc8cce636c3o19mpl0eting th52e f331or0m in ocrderd to cor88rect t2he pdroblem. fWe2 a8pola75ogcize ffo59r4 cthe950 3icnco5nve47n8ience an9d 8wec apbb5precie4fa74te y1four0119 f2uncderste0an5d12in5g.7
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.