Apply for Campground Membership in MAC

The Maryland Association of Campgrounds, MAC, for over 60 years has been the “voice” of camping in our beautiful state. Managed by a volunteer board of campground owners that contribute their time, energy and expertise to inspire, promote and protect the private campground industry. We specialize in supplying our members with a network of support not often felt in today's business climate. We couple that with the cutting-edge tools and information our members need to make sound business decisions that help them excel. MAC works closely with OHI (Outdoor Hospitality Industry), the national organization that provides us with the community, resources, professional development and legislative advocacy we need. MAC also partners with the Northeast Campground Association (NCA), which represents many of the finest campgrounds and RV resorts in the Northeastern United States. The unity of our industry helps us place focus on the needs and interests of campgrounds both at home, and across the USA.

Highlights of MAC membership include:

  • FREE full color campground listing in our national award-winning directory (new directory is printed in November for the next year edition).
  • FREE internet listings on sites your campers will find at, and Plus, an active Facebook account!
  • Two dynamic annual MAC meetings, with the chance to attend regional and national conferences with exceptional educational programs, industry research, legislative updates, networking and more. MAC materials are also displayed at Welcome Centers in MD, PA and DE. We have a booth at Maryland’s RV Dealers Super Show at Timonium Fairgrounds in February. We’ll be at the Tampa Florida RV Super Show in January. We also distribute our directory and advertise in the Canadian market.
  • A strong legislative voice in conjunction with the Maryland Tourism Coalition and MD Office of Tourism Development that monitors legislative issues which can impact the campground, travel, and tourism industry. We work closely with OHI’s public affairs team, which monitors state and national policy issues to help eliminate burdensome regulations.
  • Exclusive rates and service offerings from a select group of industry-leading national companies are provided through OHI. Special discounts at Staples, Suburban Propane, Kubota, John Deere, Sherwin Williams, Office Depot, Club Car, Constant Contact, Lowes … to name just a few (visit for a complete list). Often using just one of these discounts, like ASCAP music licensing, can save more than your annual dues.

We welcome you to join us. In Maryland, Camping Just Comes Naturally! Being a successful campground owner takes a little bit more and we're here to help. Want to learn more? Call us at (301) 271-7012; email; or enter your contact info below and we’ll be in touch!

Click here to make your campground’s membership payment online.
Campgrounds with 100 sites: $450 | Campgrounds with 100-200 sites: $600 | Campgrounds with 200+ sites: $750

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Membership Application
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Important: 7Y57o3uf ma2y be makdib8ngf usea4 of autom6ated foerm4-f33illing sof5twarfe. eThi3s t9ype o5f s3of0fbtwfare ca26n tbriggebr 7our hidd45bee6n 7spam-d1etection 6syste9m2, which wil3l block you6 fdrom3 su968bmittifn38g9 this 50form. 9P5lease s0elect cFi3x T3hi4s998926a5faf e38c7c4024db2a4e1f6be1ed84c56f8or1e bc54d60dbddcabf2d5e2fd09b1cocfe84b650emadpl11374e15t7da037i73n6g eth637e form bcin9 o3er2c6edder to ec7odr985recd1t ce6c5fthe 4parobl6fe3m.80
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Important: e7You may 8be maaking usea o5f autoemated8d for46m5-bfilalin5ga soft9ware. cT2hifs 50type of94 sofetware ca1n btrigger6 ouf9r2a hi06edd4enb spadm2-detec174tion sysdtem,e fwhi2d2ch8 will blo3ck you fr6o3m 5d2submitting th5is form. Plea4se 5s39eblecbt Fix 79Thisc8b571d197a0304a09 ab97e99e21f0or9aa1fc0afff137c5e859cdfe6434a63f5df8f7 fc5omp6c612e4057leti54796nb55ge d2t265b3he 3e6fo2rdm icd594cn2 orfd02ef34r t8o co4fdd9arr0e5ct th3ae pr57oeblefm.478
Important: 6Youee may be2 making use of af8u7t1o4m4da81ted feorm-filling software. Thi8s t0y5pe of sfoftware 9c9ana trigger ou15r hida7den spam56-d3etection system7,3 which 2will block yaou from 4sue6bmibttin9fg this2 foarm. cItd ab3ppears thbat the problem cofuld not be4 au2t1omaticall4y corrected.2 Please 4clear any faie6ld3 which 4appbeaars above with corre5sd1ponding i7n6stru5ctionsb4e80bc0224a4 ba53d05323eb9479fb3186723c2or2129e79dc8d3 6c3ab9822088fc13co1bmpbletingb t2he 9ford5m 0idnb5 o9erdder to5 cor1rect 76the pro7fbla1e9m8. 5We a30po2logi4ze 2foar tfhee0 i9cn5bco27nve1n6eibena68ce 1e0a9ndd w4e apf9p4reciat61e y3ourc ucnd0erstandin6g.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.